Responsorial Psalms
& Gospel Acclamations
This new series of psalms and acclamations is rooted in plainchant, the traditional song of the Church. The music is dignified and reverent whilst carefully designed to be accessible for congregations and musicians.
Verses are set to Gregorian chant, and the associated responses are based on the selected tone. During the psalm at each Mass, the congregation sings (in the responses) and hears (in the verses) the same melodic shape several times. This repetition instills confidence. After several weeks the tones will be familiar.
Responses are metrical, giving the congregation a helpful consistency and predictability. The organ provides a guide note at the beginning of each response.
Rhythms and text-setting are uncomplicated. There are few melismas.
Responses can be sung in unison or harmony. Vocal ranges are pragmatic.
Clear layout on five-line staves. Most fit onto a single page.
Optional fauxbourdon verses for Advent and Lent.
Gospel Alleluias are taken from the Graduale Simplex.
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All of the works listed below can be freely copied and performed in accordance with the terms of Creative Commons licence BY-NC-ND 4.0 (credit must be given to the creator; only noncommercial uses of the work are permitted; no derivatives or adaptations of the work are permitted). For further information, see​
I would be very grateful for any feedback or notification of use. Please get in touch via the Contact page.
This is a work in progress. I will update and revise as often as possible. My apologies for any typos or inconsistencies.
If you need a psalm or acclamation in this style that is not currently available, please just ask!
Guidance for performance ​PDF
Christmas Season
Mary, Mother of God
Second Sunday after Christmas Year A Year B Year C
Baptism of the Lord Year A Year B Year C (29) Year C (104)
Ordinary Time
2nd Sunday Year A Year B Year C
3rd Sunday Year A Year B Year C
4th Sunday Year A Year B Year C
5th Sunday Year A Year B Year C
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30th Sunday Year A Year B Year C
31st Sunday Year A Year B Year C
32nd Sunday Year A Year B Year C
33rd Sunday Year A Year B Year C
Feasts and Solemnities
Trinity Year A Year B Year C​​​
Corpus Christi Year A Year B Year C
Ss. Peter & Paul, Apostles Vigil Day